Depending on the level of cover, most golf policies are designed to protect your clubs, balls, bags and more up to a certain value and regardless of whether the damage occurred on or off the course.
Tag Archives: Golf Insurance
Do you need Golf Insurance?
Legally, you do not need insurance to play golf, but it can cover the cost of injury or damage caused while you are playing golf. It will also help protect you and your equipment. Personal Accident cover means that should you injure yourself on the course you may be eligible to claim.
What are the policy excesses?
We do not apply an excess to any claims relating to Personal Liability, Personal Accident or Hole-In-One Liability on our policy. Excesses for claims relating to Golfing Equipment and Personal Possessions depend on your level of cover and can be seen on your policy schedule.
What do I do if I need to make a claim?
If you need to make a claim, please visit our Claims page and download the relevant form, complete it, and send it on to our specialist claims handlers at this address: Woodgate and Clark Limited The Red House King Street West Malling Kent ME19 6QT
What is the likelihood of me ever actually making a claim?
In an increasingly litigious society it is important to protect yourself in case you injure another player or damage their property on the golf course. A misplaced shot could result in a lengthy and costly legal case should you injure a third-party. The most serious case of this came in 2011 when a golfer was […]
Do you really cover the drinks bar bill if I get a hole-in-one?
Yes! It’s a tradition that should a golfer score a hole-in-one, they purchase a round of drinks for those present in the club house bar when they return. Under our policy, if you achieve the feat in a medal or club competition, we will cover the cost of the round, up to £250 (depending on […]
What Personal Possessions are covered under my policy?
If you have selected a policy with Personal Possessions cover this will provide protection for clothing, baggage and items worn, used or carried by you on the golf course. This includes spectacles, contact lenses, hearing aids, as well as photographic, mobile communication and computer equipment. Please check your policy documents if you are unsure whether […]
How are my tournament fees covered?
If you have already paid to enter a tournament and are unable to take part due to an unexpected, unforeseen sickness or accidental bodily injury, we will pay you the total non-refundable portion of fees, up to the maximum limit stated on your policy.
Am I insured to play abroad?
This depends on the level of cover you take out. If you select the relevant level we will cover you for playing golf worldwide. You will also be covered if you are sued while outside of the UK for damage or injury you have caused on the golf course.
Is there a single article limit?
There is no limit to the amount you can claim for a single item, except that of your total cover as shown in your policy documents.